Pratiharas of Bhinmal (Jalore): History of Rajasthan

Pratiharas of Bhinmal (Jalore): History of Rajasthan: The Empire of Gujjara-Pratiharas extended from the foothills of the Himalayas to Ujjain in the south and from Gujarat in the west to Mongyr in the east. Actually Pratiharas were a branch of Gujjara tribe who entered India in large numbers during the invasion of Hunas. Few ancient records show the association of Pratiharas and Gujjaras. The most import among these records by the Kanarese poet Pampa. He calls Mahipala as Gujjara-raja.

भीनमाल शहर प्राचीनकाल में गुजरात राज्य की राजधानी था। पुरातनकाल में यह भिल्लमाल के नाम से भी जाना जाता था। ईस्वी सन् 641 में चीनी यात्री ह्वैंसान्ग यहाँ आया था, उसके अनुसार यह क्षेत्र प्रतिहार राजपूत रियासत थी। यहाँ का राजा क्षत्रिय राजपूत था।

वह बेहद बुद्धिमान एवँ युवा था। इस शहर में ब्राह्मण,बौद्ध एवँ जैन धर्मावल्म्बी रहते थे। चीनी यात्री ह्वैंसान्ग के यात्रा वर्णन के अनुसार तत्कालीन समय में भीनमाल पश्चिमी भारत का एक वैभवमय महत्वपूर्ण शहर था। इस शहर के 84 दरवाजे थे। उस समय में यहाँँ ब्राह्मण वर्ग का यहाँँ बहुल्य था, तथा जैन व बौद्ध धर्म का प्रसार भी काफी था। यहाँँ जैनो व बोद्धो की अनेक पौषाले थी।

Gurjara Empire and Pratihara of Mandore MCQs | Ancient History of Rajasthan

Pratiharas of Bhinmal

Pratihara actually mean door keeper. They are actually called so as their ancestor Lakshmana served as a door keeper to his elder brother Lord Rama. This is confirmed by an inscription found at Jodhpur. However, modern historians believe that the name Pratihara was derived from one of the ancestor king who served the office of Pratihara in Rashtrakuta court. Pratihara kings initially founded various kingdoms in Rajasthan and Gujarat. These kings together formed Gurjaradesa.

Theories of Origin of Rajputs MCQs | Ancient History of Rajasthan

The earliest Pratihara dynasty was founded by Harichandra near modern Jodhpur in the middle of sixth century. But Prachakaravardhana, ruler of Thaneshwar did not like this. Finally this resulted in a conflict between them.

According to Gwalior inscription of Bhoja, the most important ruling family was founded by Nagabhatta I at Malwa with Ujjain as the capital. This inscription also mentions that king Nagabhatta defeated a powerful Mlechchha kings (Arabs).

राजा मान प्रतिहार जालोर में भीनमाल शासन कर रहे थे जब परमार सम्राट वाक्पति मुंज (९-२- ९९ ० ९ ०) ने इस क्षेत्र पर आक्रमण किया – इस विजय के बाद इन विजित प्रदेशों को अपने परमार राजकुमारों में विभाजित किया – उनके पुत्र अरण्यराज परमार को अबू क्षेत्र, उनके पुत्र और उनके भतीजे चंदन परमार को, धारनिवराह परमार को जालोर क्षेत्र दिया गया। इससे भीनमाल पर प्रतिहार शासन लगभग 250 वर्ष का हो गया। राजा मान प्रतिहार का पुत्र देवलसिंह प्रतिहार अबू के राजा महिपाल परमार (1000-1014 ईस्वी) का समकालीन था।

Archaeological Sites in Rajasthan MCQs | Ancient History of Rajasthan

राजा देवलसिम्हा ने अपने देश को मुक्त करने के लिए या भीनमाल पर प्रतिहार पकड़ को फिर से स्थापित करने के लिए कई प्रयास किए, लेकिन व्यर्थ में। वह चार पहाड़ियों – डोडासा, नदवाना, काला-पहाड और सुंधा से युक्त, भीनमाल के दक्षिण पश्चिम में प्रदेशों के लिए बस गए। उन्होंने लोहियाना (वर्तमान जसवंतपुरा) को अपनी राजधानी बनाया। इसलिए यह उपकुल देवल प्रतिहार बन गया। धीरे-धीरे उनके जागीर में आधुनिक जालोर जिले और उसके आसपास के 52 गाँव शामिल थे देवल ने जालोर के चौहान कान्हाददेव के अलाउद्दीन खिलजी के प्रतिरोध में भाग लिया।

Gupta Period in Rajasthan MCQs | Ancient History of Rajasthan

लोहियाणा के ठाकुर धवलसिंह देवल ने महाराणा प्रताप को जनशक्ति की आपूर्ति की और उनकी बेटी की शादी महाराणा से की, बदले में महाराणा ने उन्हें “राणा” की उपाधि दी, जो इस दिन तक उनके साथ रहे। इस शहर के वैभव के कारण यहाँँ मुगल आक्रांताओँ ने कई बार आक्रमण किये। इस्वी सन् 1310 में मुगल शाशक अल्लाउद्दिन खीलजी द्वारा यह शहर लूटा गया। पन्द्रहवी शताब्दी में लिखित “खान्देद प्रबंध” में इस शहर के वैभव का सम्पूर्ण वर्णन मिलता है जिसके मुतबिक वर्गाकार क्षेत्र में बसा हुए भीनमाल के 84 दरवाजे थे तथा यहाँँ पर कई इस्लामिक आक्रमण हुए।

प्राचीनकाल से यहाँँ अनेक जैन तीर्थंकर व हिंदू दैवी-देवताओ यथा गणपति, शिवलिंग(शंकर), चण्डिका देवी, अम्बे माता, क्षेमंकरी माता, वराहश्याम आदि के मंदिर है। वर्तमान में अनेको जैन मंदिर है जिनमें तेईसवे जैन तीर्थंकर पार्श्वनाथ एवँ अंतिम जैन तीर्थंकर भगवान महावीर स्वामी का मंदिर काफी विख्यात है। बुद्ध-वास में बने हुए महावीर स्वामी मंदिर का निर्माण गुर्जर शाशक “कुमारपाल महाराजा” द्वारा करवाए जाने का उल्लेख है। इसकी प्रतिष्ठा व अंजंनशलाका जैनाचार्य हैमचंद्राचार्य द्वारा की गई थी। उस समय यहाँँ प्रथम तीर्थंकर ऋषभदेव जी की प्रतिमा स्थापित की गई थी। कलांतर में हुए विभिन्न जीर्णोद्धार में वर्तमान मूलनायक महावीर स्वामी जी हो गये।

Indo-Greek Rule in Rajasthan MCQs | Ancient History of Rajasthan

भीनमाल विद्वानों व साहित्य मनीषीयों का गढ़ था, जिनकी विद्वता एवँ ज्ञान की कीर्ति पताका का बोलबाला सुदूर पूर्व तक फैला हुआ था। सम्राट भोजदेव के समकालीन रहे संस्कृत सहित्य के प्रकाण्ड विद्वान महाकवि माघ का जन्म यहीं हुआ था। इस्वी सन् 680 में उन्होनें “शिशुपाल वध्” नामक काव्य ग्रंथ की रचना यहाँ की थी। इस्वी सन् 598 में राजा हर्षवर्धन के समकालीन रहे गणितज्ञ व सुविख्यात खगोल विज्ञानी ब्रह्मगुप्त का यहाँ जन्म हुआ था। जिन्होने 628 में “ब्रह्म स्फुट सिद्धांत” तथा 665 में ‘खण्ड्-खण्डकव्य’ की रचना की थी। जैन धर्म के कई प्राचीनतम ग्रंथों की रचना स्थली भीनमाल है। इनमें यहाँँ जन्मे सुविख्यात जैन आचार्य सिद्धऋषी गणि की इस्वी सन् 905 मैं संस्कृत सहित्य की महत्वपूर्ण रचना ‘उपमिति भव प्रप्रंच कथा’, जैनाचार्य विजय गणि कि ‘जैन रामायण्’ (1595), एवँ आचार्य उध्योतन सुरी कृत “कुवयलमाला” आदि प्रमुख है।

Maurya Rule in Rajasthan MCQs | Ancient History of Rajasthan

Pratiharas of Bhinmal (Jalore)

The strongest of the Gurjara-Prathira branch was the one at Bhinmal, under king Vyaghramukh. The Gurjar clan, which ruled at Bhinmal, was known as Chapas (this name is a short version of Chapotkrisht, Sanskrit word which means excelled in archery or strong bowmen). As per the records of Heun Tsang, the famous astronomer and mathematician Brahmagupta was in the court of Vyaghramukh.

The following is the description about the important rules of this empire;

Nagabatta I

  • He is the founder of this dynasty.
  • He defended western India from Arabs. He extended the boundary of Pratiharas up to Broach.
  • He died in 760 AD and then was succeeded by his brother Kakustha and then Devaraja. Both these rulers have no individuality or the charm of a king.



  • He ruled from 775 AD to 800 AD
  • He is the grandnephew of Nagabatta I
  • Vatsaraja is the son and successor of Devaraja.
  • He has been praised as a mighty ruler and distinguished Kshatriya.
  • He is named as Ranahastin Vatsaraja in Kuvalayamala (composed in 778 AD), a famous Jaina work.
  • Vatsaraja defeated Bhandi clan represented by Indrayudha. Indrayudha exercised imperial power with the authority of Kannauj.
  • He defeated Dharmapala with the help of Chahamana feudatory. But later he suffered defeat in the hands of Rashtrakuta king Dhurva.
  • Finally with this defeat Pratiharas lost their hold on Malwa region. Vatsaraja was forced to take shelter at Rajasthan. Consequently, Rajasthan became the center of the political activities of Pratiharas.


Nagabatta II

  • He ruled from 805 AD to 833 AD.
  • Vatsaraja was succeeded by his son Nagabatta II. He made Pratiharas as the toughest power of North India.
  • About 816 AD, he defeated Chandrayudha, Dharmapala and made Kannauj as the capital of Pratiharas.
  • The Gwalior inscription of Bhoja describes all the victories of Nagabatta II.
  • Nagabatta II also defeated Sultan Vega Varisha. This victory over Arabs is mentioned in Prabhandakosha. The Dholpur inscription of Chahamana chief, Chandramahasena claims that Nagabatta II was respected even by Arab rulers.
  • He tried to revive all the lost fortunes of this family. But he could not do so.
  • The areas under Pratihara Empire during Nagabatta II comprised of Rajputana, Uttar Pradesh, Central India, Northern Kathiawar and adjacent places.


Mihira Bhoja

  • He ruled from 836 AD to 880 AD.
  • He was the son and successor of Ramabhadra and the greatest Pratihara king. With his succession the Pratihara power reached new heights.
  • Mihira Bhoja re-established the supremacy of his family in Bundelkhand and conquered the Jodhpur Pratiharas.
  • The kingdom under him included Eastern Punjab, most parts of Rajputana, Uttar Pradesh and few regions of Gwalior.
  • Daulatpura copper plate of Bhoja refers to victories of the king in the central and eastern Rajputana.
  • Mihira Bhoja was defeated by Pala king Devapala. Later he defeated the successor of Devapala and annexed western part of the Pala kingdom
  • He adopted the titles Prabhasa, Adivaraha and Mihira.
  • Mihira was also defeate by Rastrakuta ruler Dhruva II. This defeat is recorded in Bagumra plates.
  • The acheivements of Mihira are mentioned in Rajatarangini
  • His guardian deity was goddess Bhagawati.
  • His coins are known as ‘Adi-varaha-dramma’
  • It is interesting to note that the Arab merchant Sulaiman described Mihira Bhoja as the greatest enemy of Muhammadan faith. He also mentioned that no other Indian king has so fine cavalry.


Mahendrapala I

  • He ruled from 880 AD to 910 AD.
  • Mihira Bhoja was succedded by Mahendrapala I. This succession is mentioned in Gwalior inscription.
  • He is also known as Mahendrayudha, Nirbhaya-narendra or Nirbhaya Raja
  • The most notable achievements of Mahendrapala was the conquest of Magadha and northern Bengal.
  • His guru was the famous poet and dramatist Rajashekara. Some of the distinguished works of Rajashekara are Karpuramanjari, Kavyamimamsa, Bala-Bharata, Bala-Ramayana, Bhuvana-Kosha and Harivilasa.
  • Mahendrapala had two queens-Dehanagadevi and Mahadevi.



  • Mahendrapala was followed by two weak rulers namely Bhoja II and Mahipala.
  • Mahipala is referred to as Marajudhiraj of Ayavart by Rajasekhara.
  • Al Masudi, an Arab traveller visited India in around 915-916 AD referred to the wide extent of Pratihara empire and rich resources of its rulers. He mentioned that the king is rich in horses and camels. Kings used to maintain four armies in four directions.
  • Rashtrakuta ruler Indira III invaded Pratihara Empire, conquered Ujjaini and devastated the city of Kannauj.
  • Mahipala also faced invasion of another Rashtrakuta ruler, Krishna III


Rulers after Mahipala

  • The successor of Mahipala was Mahendrapala II. He was the son of Mahipala.
  • He was able to maintain the unity and strength of the empire but he received a shattering blow from Devapala.
  • This process of decline which started during the reign of Devapala speeded with the reign of Vijayapala. Finally the Empire declined by the middle of 11th century AD.
  • Vijayapala was succeeded by Rajyapala when Mahmud Ghazni invaded India. In 1018 AD Ghazni invaded Mathura and reached Kannauj. During this time Rajyapala fled away.
  • Chandella ruler of Bundelkhand killed Rajyapala due to jis disgraceful failure to resist Ghazni. He placed his son Trilochanapala on the throne.
  • Yashapala was the last ruler of the Pratihara line. His name is mentioned in the inscriptions of 1036 AD.

After the ruin of Prathiharas numerous small independent kingdoms like Kachhapaghatas of Gwalior, Chalukyas of Anhilwasa and Paramaras of Dhara came into picture

भीनमाल के धार्मिक स्थल

जैन मंदिर

  • महावीर स्वामी जैन मंदिर
  • पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर (हाथी पोल)
  • शांतीनाथ जैन मंदिर (गणेश चौक)
  • गाँधी मेहता वास 4 जैन मंदिर समुह
  • नाकोड़ा पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर
  • रिद्धि-सिद्धि पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर
  • चोमुखजी जैन मंदिर (वीज़ू बाई का मंदिर)
  • मनमोहन पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर
  • जगवल्लभ पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर (स्टेशन रोड)
  • पद्मप्रभु जैन मंदिर, (माघ कोलोनी)
  • जीरावला पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर, (माघ कोलोनी)
  • सीमंधर स्वामी जैन मंदिर, (माघ कोलोनी)
  • शंखेश्वर पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर
  • गौड़ी पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर
  • कीर्ति स्तंभ जैन मंदिर
  • बाफ़ना वाडी जैन मंदिर (3 मंदिर समुह)
  • शंखेश्वर पार्श्वनाथ जैन मंदिर (धोरा-ढाल)
  • कुंथुनाथजी जैन मंदिर (हुंन्डिया वास)
  • 72 जिनालय

हिंदू मंदिर

  • निम गौरिया क्षैञपाल मंदिर
  • वाराहश्याम मंदिर (एकमात्र वराह मंदिर)
  • चंडीनाथ महादेव मंदिर
  • नीलकंठ महादेव मंदिर
  • क्षेमंकरी माताजी मंदिर (पर्वतमाला पर स्थित)
  • महालक्ष्मी मंदिर (महालक्ष्मी रोड)
  • महालक्ष्मी कमलेश्वरी मंदिर (ढोरा-ढाल)
  • संतोषी माता मंदिर (ढोरा-ढाल)
  • श्री सुरभी बगस्थली माता मंदिर
  • गायत्री मंदिर
  • त्रयम्बकेश्वर महादेव मंदिर
  • बाबा रामदेवजी मंदिर
  • विश्वकर्मा मंदिर
  • फाफरिया हनुमान मंदिर
  • भीमनाथ महादेव मंदिर
  • सरस्वती मंदिर
  • गणेश मंदिर (गणेश चौक)
  • भबूतरगिरीजी मठ मंदिर (पाँच पादरा) 15 km
  • सुन्धामाता मन्दिर (25 km)
  • जांभोजी मंदिर बिश्नोई धर्मशाला

ऐतिहासिक स्थल

  • चण्डीनाथ बावड़ी
  • दादेली बावड़ी
  • जाकोब तालाब
  • बाल समन्द तालाब
  • त्रयम्ब्केश्वर सरोवर (तलबी)
  • जीवदया गौशाला
  • हाथी पोल
  • रानेश्वर महादेव
  • चामुंडा माता मंदिर

Kings of Bhinmal branch of Gurjara- Pratihara:

1. Raja Nagabhatt I Pratihara: He was the founder of Bhinmal branch of Pratihara. He formed a triple alliance with Jaysimha & Bappa Rawal to defeat Arabs in Battle of Rajasthan

2. Raja Yashovardhana Pratihara

3. Raja Watsraj Pratihara: He was the first Pratihara ruler who occupied the Kanauj.He defeated Dharmapala of Gauda country but he was defeated in the hands of Dhruva of Rashtrakuta dynasty.

 4. Raja Nagabhatt II Pratihara: He got victory over Kannauj.He was defeated in the hands of Govinda of Rashtrakuta dynasty.He defeated Dharmapala and Chakrayudha in the battle of Mudgagiri.

 5. Raja Mihir Bhoj Pratihara: During the period of Mihir Bhoja Kanauj was restored to its former glory.Mihir Bhoja defeated Devapala of Bengal.Suleiman, Arab traveller visited the court of Mihir Bhoja in 851 A.D.

6. Raja Mahendrapal Pratihara

7. Raja Mahipal Pratihara

8. Raja Vinayakpal Pratihara

9. Raja Mahendrapal II Pratihara

10. Raja Vijay pal Pratihara

 11. Raja Rajyapal Pratihara

 12. Raja Trilochnpal Pratihara

 13. Raja YashPal Pratihara: He was the last ruler of the dynasty. He ruled from 1027 to 1036. Prathihara dynasty came to end with the invasion of Muhammad of Ghazni.

After the downfall of Prathiharas, their capital Kannauj was occupied by Gahadwalas (Rathores). Chandradeva, who belonged to Rathore clan of Rajput warriors, defeated Gopala and established the Gahadavala dynasty.

  • After defeating Prithviraj Chauhan in the second Battle of Tarain, Muhammad of Ghuri attacked Jaychand. In 1194, Battle of Chandwar took place in which Muhammad Ghori defeated Jaychand. Soon the kingdom of Gahadwalas was destroyed.
  • Rao Siyaji, grandson of Jai Chandra, of Kannauj, came to Marwar during his pilgrimage to Dwarka.
  • His Son, Rao Asthan conquered Pali, and Khed (in western Marwar), but ultimately got killed in battle by Sultan Jalauddin Khilji of Delhi.
  • Rao Chanda/Chundarji, 10th in succession from Siyaji, finally wrested control of Marwar from the Gurjara Pratiharas – and established rule of Rathores in Marwar. Jodhpur was the primary state of Rathores but different states (Bikaner, Kishangarh etc) were also founded by different Rathore rulers.

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