[Sociology Test 9] RPSC College Lecturer Exam 2020

[Sociology Test 9] RPSC College Lecturer Exam 2020Rajasthan Public Service Commission conducts the recruitment for Technical and Non Technical Education Department for the post of Lecture. The Rajasthan Public Service Commission has released the recruitment for Assistant Professor and lecturer (Technical Education) Posts. There are 918 vacancies for these posts. This is a big opportunity for candidates who waiting for jobs in RPSC. It is essential to know details like Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Exam Date, Previous Year Papers, and Admit Card.

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1. Which of the following are always members of a person’s family of orientation?

(A) Spouse

(B) Son and daughter

(C) Parent

(D) Aunty and uncle

2. A family unit that is composed of relatives in addition to parents and children who live in the same household is?

(A) a disjointed kinship

(B) an extended family

(C) a nuclear family

(D) a conjugal family

3. The concurrent marriage of a person of one sex (male or female) with two or more members of the opposite sex (male or female) is known as?

(A) polygamy

(B) civil union

(C) polyandry

(D) group marriage

4. The practice of marrying within one’s own social group or category is

(A) exogamy

(B) homology

(C) heterogamy

(D) endogamy

5. The social institution that ensures the maintenance of society through the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services is?

(A) work

(B) the economy

(C) politics

(D) the power elite

(E) education

6. Tangible objects that are necessary or desired are referred to as

(A) products

(B) materials

(C) goods

(D) assets

7. Steel workers who process metal ore are engaged in what kind of production?

(A) Primary sector

(B) Secondary sector

(C) Tertiary sector

(D) Quarterly sector

8. Private ownership of the means of production, from which personal profits can be derived through market competition and without government intervention, is characteristic of?

(A) capitalism

(B) socialism

(C) imperialism

(D) mercantilism

9. The means through which power is acquired and exercised by some people and groups is

(A) government

(B) the economy

(C) politics

(D) the military

10. Power that people accept as legitimate rather than coercive is known as?

(A) control

(B) leverage

(C) authority

(D) political influence

11. According to Max Weber, power legitimized on the basis of a leader’s exceptional personal qualities is what kind of authority?

(A) Charismatic

(B) Traditional

(C) Coercive

(D) Rational-legal

12. Which of the following provides U.S. citizens a voice in their government through elected representatives who serve as bridges between the citizenry and the government?

(A) Direct participatory democracy

(B) Representative democracy

(C) Full voting rights

(D) A separation of powers

13. Which of the following is NOT a manifest function of education?

(A) Socialization

(B) Transmission of culture

(C) Production of social networks

(D) Social control

14. “Proper” attitudes toward education, socially approved dress and manners, knowledge about books, art, music, and other forms of high and popular culture are all examples of

(A) cultural mystique

(B) the proper social grace

(C) accumulated social wisdom

(D) cultural capital

15. Assignment of students to specific courses and educational programs based on their test scores, previous grades, or both is?

(A) age grading

(B) intelligence grouping

(C) tracking

(D) ability integration

16. The type of social arrangement in which people are able to gain higher positions based on their intellectual and educational credentials rather than through the influence of personal contacts is?

(A) a tracking orientation

(B) a credentialist orientation

(C) a meritocracy

(D) an educational bureaucracy

17. Which of the following is Emile Durkheim’s term for those aspects of life that are extraordinary or supernatural?

(A) Profane

(B) Spiritual

(C) Sacred

(D) Magical

18. Belief in a single Supreme Being or God who is responsible for significant events such as the creation of the world is?

(A) transcendent idealism

(B) monotheism

(C) polytheism

(D) unit theism

19. The study of the causes and distribution of health, disease, and impairment throughout a population is?

(A) social epidemiology

(B) social welfare

(C) social engineering

(D) social biology

20. According to Talcott Parsons, each of the following applies to persons who play the sick role, except?

(A) they are not responsible for their condition

(B) they are temporarily exempt from their normal roles and obligations

(C) they must seek medical help if their condition is serious

(D) they must want to get well

(E) they are blamed for their own illness

21. All of the following are factors that have eroded the American Dream for the middle class, except?

(A) escalating housing prices

(B) blocked mobility on the job

(C) the cost-of-living squeeze

(D) a decline in the quality of medical services

(E) the need for a college degree as an entrylevel job requirement

22. Who are the working poor?

(A) People who live from just above to just below the poverty line

(B) Seldom-employed individuals who are caught in long-term deprivation because of low education, low employability, low income, and low self-esteem

(C) Skilled and semi-skilled machine operators who work in factories and elsewhere

(D) Those who live on the margins of society, are frequently homeless, and have little hope for the future

23. Which of the following BEST expresses the functionalist explanation of social inequality?

(A) Powerful people are able to shape and distribute the rewards, resources, privileges, and opportunities in society.

(B) Positions that is most important for the survival of society must be filled by the most qualified people, who are highly rewarded.

(C) The presence of inequality in a society does not serve as a motivating force for people.

(D) The core values of society support social inequality.

(E) Most inequality is the result of patriarchy.

24. Powerful individuals and groups use ideology to maintain their favored positions at the expense of others, according to what theoretical perspective?

(A) Functionalist

(B) Conflict

(C) Symbolic interactionist

(D) Psychological

25. The hierarchical arrangement of large social groups based on their control over basic resources is

(A) social distinction

(B) invidious distinctiveness

(C) social stratification

(D) social layering

26. According to Karl Marx, which of the following statements about capitalists is NOT true?

(A) They own the means of production.

(B) They control the means of production.

(C) They exploit the workers.

(D) They are vulnerable to displacement by machines or cheap labor.

(E) They achieve wealth through capital.

27. Large computer software corporations are representative of twenty-first century capitalism, which increasingly is based on?

(A) heavy industry

(B) information technology

(C) “smokestack” industries

(D) narrow national interests

28. According to Max Weber, individual power depends on a person’s position within

(A) primary groups

(B) bureaucracies

(C) family structures

(D) kinship networks

(E) religious groups

29. For the upper class, wealth most often is the result of

(A) job training

(B) hard work

(C) inheritance

(D) education

30. Which of the following categories of people has the highest net worth overall?

(A) Divorced persons

(B) Separated persons

(C) Single persons

(D) Married persons

(E) Persons under age 30

31. According to Karl Marx’s theory of class relations,

(A) the bourgeoisie consists of those who must sell their labor to those who own the means of production

(B) the proletariat consists of those who own the means of production

(C) class relationships involve inequality and exploitation

(D) wealth, prestige, and power are all important in determining a person’s class position

32. Karl Marx’s term for government, schools, churches, and all other social institutions that produce and disseminate ideas that perpetuate the existing system of exploitation is society’s

(A) substructure

(B) superstructure

(C) ecostructure

(D) basic structure

(E) class structure

33. In Max Weber’s stratification typology, which class consists of skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled workers?

(A) The working class

(B) The middle class

(C) The divisional class

(D) The lower-middle class

(E) The pink-collar class

34. The respect or regard with which a person is regarded by others is

(A) wealth

(B) power

(C) status

(D) authority

(E) prestige

35. Which of the following factors is NOT a contributor to the global feminization of poverty?

(A) Poor women worldwide do not have access to commercial credit.

(B) Poor women continue to be trained in low wage jobs.

(C) The income gap between men and women continues to grow in low–income nations as well as in some developing nations.

(D) High-income nations are importing poor women to their countries to provide them better paying jobs and marketable training.

36. All of the following statements regarding contingent work are true, EXCEPT that it

(A) is part-time and temporary

(B) is found in colleges and universities

(C) is found in the federal government and in the health care field

(D) often involves subcontracting

(E) offers advantages to workers but can be detrimental to employers

37. The process by which some characteristics of a profession are eliminated is

(A) autonomy

(B) specialized training

(C) occupational recognition

(D) deprofessionalization

(E) retraining

38. Negotiations between employers and labor union leaders on behalf of workers are referred to as

(A) a lockout

(B) mediation

(C) binding arbitration

(D) agency shop tactics

(E) collective bargaining

39. All of the following are shared by members of the same ethnic groups, EXCEPT

(A) unique cultural traits

(B) a feeling of ethnocentrism

(C) a common educational level

(D) territoriality

(E) a common language

40. What do sociologists term a group that is advantaged and has superior resources and rights within a society?

(A) Majority

(B) Minority

(C) Superior

(D) Powerful

(E) Social class

41. A negative attitude based on faulty generalizations about members of selected racial, ethnic, or other groups is referred to as?

(A) redlining

(B) discrimination

(C) prejudice

(D) racism

(E) hate crime

42. A football coach is happy to work with African American players, but feels that white fans will accept only a certain percentage of people of color on the team, thus affecting his hiring practices. According to sociologist Robert Merton, this coach is?

(A) an unprejudiced nondiscriminator

(B) an unprejudiced discriminator

(C) a prejudiced nondiscriminator

(D) a prejudiced discriminator

(E) an inclusive nondiscriminator

43. At birth, male and female infants are distinguished by the genitalia used in the reproductive process, which are referred to as?

(A) gonads and fallopian tubes

(B) primary sex characteristics

(C) secondary sex characteristics

(D) biological tendencies

(E) tertiary sex characteristics

44. Preference for emotional sexual relationships with members of the opposite sex (heterosexuality), the same sex (homosexuality), or both sexes (bisexuality) is one’s?

(A) feelings

(B) behavior

(C) identification

(D) gender

(E) orientation

45. The culturally and socially constructed differences between females and males found in the meanings, beliefs, and practices associated with “femininity” and “masculinity” are known as?

(A) gender

(B) sex

(C) primary sexual identifiers

(D) secondary sexual identifiers

(E) behaviorism

46. In the United States, males traditionally are expected to demonstrate aggressiveness, whereas females are expected to be passive and nurturing, which illustrates the concept of

(A) sexual identity

(B) gender identity

(C) gender role

(D) biological role

(E) correct behavior

47. What is the name used for bar graphs divided into five-year age cohorts, with the left side depicting the number or percentage of males in each age bracket and the right side providing the same information for females?

(A) Demographic diagrams

(B) Population pyramids

(C) Ecological portraits

(D) Actuarial graphs

(E) Age predictions

48. An estimate of the average lifetime in years of people born in a specific year is?

(A) life span

(B) cohort projection

(C) life prospects

(D) life projection

(E) life expectancy

49. All of the following statements regarding the relationship between age and poverty in the United States are true, except?

(A) older persons are at a much greater risk of living in poverty than are children

(B) older women are twice as likely to be poor as older men

(C) older Latinos/as and African-Americans are much more likely to live below the poverty line than are non-Latino/a whites

(D) about 46 percent of all African-American children under age 6 lived in poverty in 1993

(E) children as a group are poorer now than they were at the beginning of the 1980s

50. Illnesses that are long-term or lifelong and that develop gradually or are present from birth are

known as?

(A) acute illnesses

(B) chronic illnesses

(C) medical illnesses

(D) temporary illnesses

(E) sick roles

51. According to Ferdinand Tönnies, Gemeinschaft refers to?

(A) a traditional society in which social relationships are based on personal bonds of friendship and kinship and on intergenerational stability

(B) a large, urban society in which social bonds are based on impersonal and specialized relationships, with little long-term commitment to the group or consensus on values

(C) a traditional society in which social relationships have come to be based on corporate procedures

(D) a post-industrial social order in which traditionalism has been restored

(E) postmodern societies of the future

52. The United States has a larger homeless population today than in earlier times because of?

(A) higher rates of mental illness and deinstitutionalization

(B) a significant increase in alcoholism and drug addiction

(C) changes in structural factors in society

(D) more people who are unwilling to work

(E) problems in the U.S. educational system

53. What is Emile Durkheim’s term for the social cohesion found in industrial societies, in which people perform very specialized tasks and feel united by their mutual dependence?

(A) Mechanical solidarity

(B) Status-oriented bonding

(C) High-technology bonding

(D) Organic solidarity

(E) Bodily solidarity

54. The “old boy network” is an example of?

(A) laws regulating corporations

(B) social deviance

(C) a social network

(D) a fast food chain

(E) a commodity chain

55. The subfield of sociology that examines population size, composition, and distribution is?

(A) social ecology

(B) gerontology

(C) social psychology

(D) social dynamics

(E) demography

56. A group of people who live in a specified geographic area are referred to as?

(A) nomads

(B) clients

(C) protesters

(D) a population

(E) a sample

57. The actual level of childbearing of an individual or a population is referred to as?

(A) reproduction

(B) fecundity

(C) fertility

(D) fruitfulness

(E) preparation

58. The number of people living in a specific geographic area (for example, people per square mile) is

(A) a distribution

(B) migration

(C) emigration

(D) a neighbor Index

(E) density

59. According to urban sociologists, a city is?

(A) a metropolitan region

(B) a relatively dense and permanent settlement of people

(C) a census category

(D) a suburban or rural area

(E) better organized than a rural region

60. The subfield of sociology that examines social relationships and political and economic structures in the city is?

(A) urban planning

(B) zoning

(C) urban sociology

(D) urban psychology

(E) urbanology

61. The study of the relationship between people and their physical environment is known as

(A) demography

(B) urban sociology

(C) human ecology

(D) physical sociology

(E) geology

62. In Herbert Gans’ typology of urban dwellers, those who live in tightly knit neighborhoods that resemble small towns are?

(A) cosmopolites

(B) ethnic villagers

(C) yuppies

(D) buppies

(E) natives

63. What is the term that sociologists use for the situation where the number of low-income neighborhood residents increases and they begin to spill over into adjacent middle-class neighborhoods, which causes the middle class to move out, thus expanding the base or sector of low income housing?

(A) Capital investment

(B) Concentric zone development

(C) An enterprise zone

(D) The invasion-succession cycle

(E) Forced integration

64. A continuous concentration of two or more cities and their suburbs that have grown until they form an interconnected urban area is a?

(A) megalopolis

(B) central metropolitan area

(C) census district

(D) suburban complex

(E) coastal area

65. What is the term used to describe the situation where banks have policies of refusing to make loans for housing and businesses to persons residing in low-income or blighted communities?

(A) Capital investment

(B) Space allocation

(C) Concentric zone development

(D) Redlining

(E) Zoning

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